Linking instead of writing

The day has escaped me and I can't even tell you what I did. Certainly not put those piles of books away that I showed you yesterday, that's for sure. So enjoy these instead.

First, two articles that I had published recently which I can't remember if I shared here or not.

5 Things You Should Know about how Orphanage Life Affects Children


How to Help Someone Who Doesn't Want Help with Adoption Challenges

Then there were these articles I came across that I thought were interesting.

One about reading and brains: Bedtime Stories for Young Brains

And one about music and brains: Science Shows How Piano Players' Brains are Actually Different From Everybody Elses'

A somewhat snarky article about large families: The Ultimate Status Symbol for Millionaire Moms on New York's Upper East Side is not What You'd Expect

And finally a brief and not so wonderful update on the current status of adoption from Vietnam: Warning Regarding Partner Agencies Working in Vietnam


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